In recent years, the landscape of self-expression has undergone a dramatic transformation, with tattoos emerging from the shadows of counterculture to become increasingly mainstream. While estimates suggest that roughly 38% of young adults now have at least one tattoo (Heywood et al., 2023), this widespread acceptance masks a deeper reality: many tattoos serve as external manifestations of internal psychological struggles and emotional complexities.
Category: Life & Insights
A space for personal reflections, cultural observations, humor, mental health discussions, and thought-provoking commentary on everyday experiences.
Ganesha and Milk: Inspiring Symbolism
Introduction: Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity of Hinduism, is renowned for his unique appearance and profound symbolism. One of the intriguing aspects of Ganesha’s worship is the offering of milk. In this blog post, we will delve deep into the symbolic significance of Ganesha and milk, exploring the rich cultural and spiritual connections that have made…
Eye-opening New prejudice 2023
New prejudice 2023 Discrimination still reigns supreme today. It is pervasive in society. We can see that it permeates our society in ways like never before but the surprise is that those leading the charge where this new discrimination is concerned are the ones that have fought against it concerning there own groups or people…
Toxic Old Time Religion 2023
Originally posted as “Gimme That Old Time Religion” at Maxblog 1/3/2013 As I have grown older I have noticed a trend. It has dawned on me that people that are not religious or haven’t spent the time to consider religion tend to become religious about the time they reach middle age. Considering the recent developments…
The Great Forney Tornado 2012
Reflecting on the great Forney tornado of 2012