New prejudice 2023

Discrimination still reigns supreme today. It is pervasive in society. We can see that it permeates our society in ways like never before but the surprise is that those leading the charge where this new discrimination is concerned are the ones that have fought against it concerning there own groups or people for decades.
Let me try to explain
I was born at the right time to be about six years old when the “Summer of Love” occurred. For those of you that don’t know the summer of 1969 was a time of awakening to the ideas of diversity equity and inclusion in a real and tangible form.
The Civil rights movement lead by people like the Rev. Martin Luther King and others tore down the walls of segregation and allowed equal rights for all even though it still took a few years for the brush fires of segregation and ignorance to be stamped out.
Don’t get me wrong there are still enclaves of inbred retards out there that pursue a racist agenda but for the most part they are a non issue.
In the 1980’s and 1990’s LGBT community began to emerge from their chrysalis and spread their wings after having to hide in the shadows for far to long. It was just in the first decade and a half of the current century that they were widely accepted in society and could actually be themselves.
It appeared at one time not to long ago that thanks to the collapse of the boundaries that were dividing us we could live our lives in equality without the stigma of prejudice but that appears to have been a pipe dream.
Enter the woke

Around 2010 a slow and stealthy movement began to creep into our society. Not a movement of unity and love but a movement of division and hate for others that were different. Sounds like prejudice to me. However the intolerance wasn’t against those groups that we acknowledged above but it went the other direction.
Self segregation was the first indication of this. Minority groups began to self segregate in their own communities. One of those communities that comes to mind for me is the Cedar Springs area of Dallas just outside of downtown where the LGBT community lived in peace (as long as none of the rednecks didn’t get in) and had there own stores, restaurants, apartments, etc.
With self segregation we began to move away from those principles that we embraced in the late 1960’s. With this separation the divide began to grow again.
Now the groups that were spurned by others in the past and had become equal over time have been encouraged to be more equal than everybody else. This is a failure by them to understand that equal means being yourself, not conforming to follow their path.
Outside groups that are only interested in political power, monetary gain or just sowing disunity have taken over our society and are propagating false narratives that pit us against each other. They feel the need to target ethnic groups and those with alternate lifestyles in an attempt to line their pockets or consolidate political power without regard for the people they influence.
For some time now we have seen the onslaught of events that prove the case that Corporations, The Government and even the News Media are waging a campaign to confuse us for their own gains.
Here are a few examples:
The Associated Press style guide – which sets the agenda for how most major media uses its words and phrases in reporting, thus shaping society views – has come out with new guidelines on gender.
The ACLU is broken beyond repair Why is it fighting for the right of murderous rapists to access ‘gender-affirming care’?
Gov. DeSantis signs bill banning minors from attending drag shows, ‘lewd’ performances
These examples site the flavor of the month but it is the same idiocy with ethnic groups as well. Since the Bud light and Target fiascoes corporate America has toned down their rhetoric a bit and other companies are walking on their tip toes.
Sadly the vast majority of those propagating these issues are straight white men that have weaponized the separate groups and cultures in our country to further their goal. In the process diminishing the worth of the LGBT community, Ethnic groups and even Women (All Women).
Yes you are a pawn in a political game not a down trodden group that needs protecting.

No one is more equal than anyone else. I am a 6’5 60 year old white male and believe me I have been discriminated against all my life. I did say it swung the other direction.
So lets not expose children to sexually explicit drag shows or gender reassignment when their brains are not even fully developed. Lets not encourage minority groups to engage in violence and other criminal activity for political gain. It is all manipulation to have us fighting among ourselves. If were fighting among ourselves we are distracted from what they are doing. That is the plan.
There are a few folks out there that think they are saving the world with this woke agenda and they are to be commended for their good intentions but they really don’t have a clue.
© 2023 – 2025, Richard Bailey. All rights reserved.