Originally posted at Paranormal Stuff for the Simple Minded 02/04/2009

I was listening to one of the many podcast I download this week and I started thinking about the total lack of credibility that permeates the paranormal community. There is so much information out there that is unverifiable and at times contradicts itself that no right thinking individual can believe any of it.
The people that claim to be at the top of the field tend to refer to themselves by titles that have no bearing on the research that they are doing. They also refer to themselves with titles that they received when they were working in a field that they haven’t been employed in for twenty or thirty years. When a news women becomes an expert on cattle mutilation. A foot doctor becomes an expert on alien implants and a novelist becomes an authority on alien abductions it is time to step back and reassess how things look to the “Not a Believer” crowd.
So we were talking about my list. I have decided to do some articles here that I think will help all of us identify and eliminate some of the problems that are experienced by paranormal researchers and folks just looking for the truth. With these articles I hope we are able to make an attempt to separate the signal from the noise. The time of the snake oil salesman has past and it is time for some real investigation to begin. All science starts with a thought an idea or the observation of something out of the ordinary. If we remove the element of greed and notoriety from the field of paranormal research we may be able to move the field forward and even answer some of the questions concerning the nature of our strange and wonderful universe.
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