Sunday, March 4, 2007
The Lake Erie Video
I recently heard about the Lake Erie Video so I went and found it so I could take a look. I was amazed. How lucky is it that these guy’s were in the right place at the right time with a video camera to record for posterity proof of the existence of UFO’s. It is my opinion that everybody should see this video so that they know we are not alone.
Here take a look at the video I’ll wait.
Now I have lived within the same fifty mile area of north Texas for forty three years now and I have seen a lot of stuff in the sky. About twenty miles west of here is DFW international, about forty miles west of here is the Carswell Joint Reserve Base, and seven miles north east of here is Mesquite Municipal Airport. The point I am getting at is that yes I have seen many lights in the sky. I have also seen many shiny silver cylindrical objects moving through the air.
In forty three years I have only seen three or four that I could not identify, The rest were airplanes.
The first time I saw the Lake Erie Video it took me ten seconds to figure out that the UFO’s over Lake Erie were lining up to land at an airstrip and that they were at least one or two miles away. It is my understanding that UFO’s are vertical take off and landing vehicles so lining up for a landing is kind of silly. Maybe the Royal Air Force or the U.S. Air Force can can work a deal to do a little training and help these guy’s out.
BTW here are two more videos you really need to see. Go ahead I’ll wait
Lake Erie Video explained part 1
Lake Erie Video explained part 2
Wow, Those UFO’s sound just like commercial aircraft. Well it is not uncommon to have paranormal evidence turn out to not be what it is represented to be. The thing that really surprises me is that a well respected author like David Sereda let his credibility come into question by attaching his name to the first video and not getting on board with the other two. That is a mystery of the unexplained for another day.
Thanks for coming by. I look forward to your comments. and next time maybe we will tackle that chimp footage that some swear is a baby Bigfoot in the “New York Baby Video”.
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