Get a grip radio operators
Some folks just need to get a grip. I have to ask myself from time to time “What is wrong with people.” A few days ago a fellow radio operator showed up on Twitter asking the question ”Does the average HAM make a difference anymore?” Duh get a grip dumbass.
Well since then some others on Twitter have ask the same question. I say yes we do. We made a difference in Oklahoma City, We made a difference in and around New Orleans, and let us not forget since today is 9/11 we made a difference in New York. Amateur Radio does make a difference on a regular basis.
After taking the time to investigate little deeper into where the initial question came from I discovered that the person that ask the question on Twitter seems to want to remain anonymous because there is no one in the state of New Jersey that is licensed in the name they use on Twitter. Then digging a little deeper I found that our friend in New Jersey didn’t have an original thought. He was responding to another HAM in California. The HAM in California happened to be running off at the mouth about Amateur Radios role in disaster communications being propaganda from the ARRL and that we don’t really do anything. This is the same guy that has numerous post over at QRZ proclaiming that most of the Amateur Radio community shouldn’t have a license because they never took a code test and that Amateur Radio has become so bad that he didn’t see the point in doing anything other than hiding out on the low end of 40 meters where he didn’t have to deal with the no-coders. Well surprise dumbass there are extras operating code on 40 meters that never took a code test.
It appears that this is another case of another whiny old HAM that can’t deal with progress and since he is unhappy wants the rest of the world to be unhappy. I was apposed to the codeless license when it first came in and the ARRL and I don’t always see eye to eye. What I do know is that the codeless Amateur Radio license has brought a large number of top notch operators into the hobby. I know that the ARRL has kept the FCC from running over us. I also know that here locally we were first called when Dallas county needed communications for the evacuation of folks for Gustav. We are written into the emergency communications plan for Dallas county, the City of Mesquite, and FEMA since they have some of their offices here in north Texas.
As for our friend in California get a grip Dumbass. A response to one of his post ask him "If you feel that way when are you going to sell his equipment and surrender your license?" There has been no answer to that question. Get a grip dumbass. I might add if he is reading this that Amateur Radio is not dead. We still make a difference in today’s world and if you would climb out from under that bitter old rock and get involved you might be able to figure that out on your own. Get a grip.
Richard Bailey KB5JBV ( not afraid for people to know )
Andrew AC8JO says: December 19, 2011 at 11:23 AM I feel like somewhat of a gravedigger here commenting on a post that is over 6 months old, but I just found it and had to add. I found a ham in California that was similarly abrasive, and you’re probably talking about the same person. I think he just tries to get people riled up. He even told me “Even though you are a Civil Servant, I’ve decided to give you a pass and not block you. Morse aficionados must be heard.” I kept playing along with the little game and ultimately got him to come clean and tweet “this ridiculous position I’ve taken is for fun.” Since then, I decided the best course of action is to ignore him. There’s plenty of signals out there in the Twitterverse to listen to, no sense in giving attention to the noise. 73! Reply
Richie, says: June 23, 2011 at 5:27 PM I too was not too happy about the “no code” licensee, because it took a lot of code copy, and a long time listening to achieve my extra. That was a long time ago and with all the new technology coming out these days I am now glad that the code is not a requirement. What good is code anyway? Think about it. That I love my Kenwood and Yaesu, and use them every day. de W5XV Reply
Eric Deering KE5YOT says: May 8, 2011 at 7:23 PM People like the ham from California you are responding to in this post are only trying to get this reaction from you. He probably is bitter because he feels separated from the hobby and he probably also likes to thing of himself as the best ham radio operator out there. I suspect he is mad about the loss of code requirements and says at ham radio does nothing anymore because that is actually him. He thinks that his hobby is getting a second wind and that when he dies, the hobby should die with him. He is just looking for a reason to bitch, and he got it. I wouldn’t worry about him because he carries no weight with what he says. We know what ham radio operators do and we also know why we love this hobby. Keep fighting the good fight brother. -Eric KE5YOT Reply
Billy says: July 20, 2011 at 8:29 PM Richard you seem to have a general grasp of the problem. The amateur radio operator is important in the first 24-48 hours. But then the big boys should kick in and the big hoss radios should kick in from FEMA and the National Guard taking care of the pressing important part of the action. The amateur radio would fall back to support the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Baptist Men and many others who will need support. I will say that these agencies could do as well or better with Satellite Phones But what do I know, I'm just an old coded extra with a dead Dxxx. Billy KT5P Reply
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