RF Podcast EP 32 Clarity Who’s Repeater?

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Episode 32 Clarity Who's Repeater

00:00 Theme music

00:53 Intro:

Highest first month download totals with episode 31. Thanks! And keep spreading the word!

Rochester Amateur Radio Club in New York has us listed on their site, too.

Thanks, too, to Jerry Taylor, KD0BIK, for the link to us on his site, MyAmateurRadio.com Check out his podcast, The Practical Amateur Radio Podcast.

02:10 Feedback:

  • Don, WS4E, says he's learned a lot from the shows.
  • Dave, AF5U, says he likes the style of the show and other kind words.
  • Ray, KO4RB, likes the episodes on batteries and asks about using battery power for the home station, like an uninterruptible power supply for computers. Looks like a great topic for a future show.
  • Herman, KE5HYW, comments about Richard's article "What the Heck is NTS?". He asked for a link to the Dallas/Ft. Worth NTS net, which is the DFW Traffic Net at http://www.dfwtrafficnet.org
  • Neil, NG5NG, enjoys the show as always, especially the Texas drawl.
  • Scott, N2WMD, writes several emails. He enjoys listening on his commute, and has made a donation. (Thanks, Scott!) He's working on a MKARS80 80m SSB QRP kit.

08:48 Donations:

  • Donations have helped pay for a new mixer board and a new video camera! A new microphone is pending.
  • Thanks to Don WS4E, Scott N2WMD, David AF5U, and John from Moscow, ID. Last time I said we
  • had no donations, but there were two: David in Pleasanton CA, and Jerry KD0BIK from The Practical Amateur Podcast. Thanks, everyone. All donations help to fund better equipment for the podcast.
  • Please consider donating whatever you can to the podcast. Or, if you're buying something at Amazon, click the Amazon link at the website http://rfpodcast.info website, as that will help out.
  • http://rfpodcast.info has a link to make a PayPal donation.

15:10 Song: "Hattie Mae" by Zac Harmon, from the album "From the Root".

20:05 Topic:

Richard talks about an exchange he saw on a newsgroup about restrictions being placed on what can or cannot be discussed on a club's repeater, specifically, religion and politics. Is this a freedom of speech issue?

39:00 Song: "I'm A Man - Hootchie Koochie Man" by Papa Don McMinn, from the album "Live on Beale Street",

44:42 Conclusion:

Thanks everyone for your donations, your mentions on blogs, sharing the podcasts, etc.

46:43 Closing theme

Glossary - See Glossary for terms used on the show.

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At www.rfpodcast.info

Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV:
Website:    www.rfpodcast.info
Email:         kb5jbv@gmail.com
Youtube:    https://www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV
FaceBook:  www.facebook.com/groups/resonantfrequency/
Twitter:      www.twitter.com/kb5jbv
MeWE:       mewe.com/i/richardbailey31
Tumblr      https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/resonant-frequency-podcast
Discord:     https://discord.com/channels/758866379104845856/758866379104845860

About the Author

Richard KB5JBV has been an Amateur radio operator since 1988. He has held positions with the America Radio Relay League including but not limited to Assistant Section Manager, Official Observer, Official Relay Station, Official Emergency Station, ARES Emergency Coordinator for Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast was created to help get information on amateur radio out to the new ham and the ham that wants to find out more about different aspects of the hobby they are thinking about getting into. So sit back have a drink and enjoy.

Richard KB5JBV has been an Amateur radio operator since 1988. He held positions with the America Radio Relay League including but not limited to Assistant Section Manager, Official Observer, Official Relay Station, Official Emergency Station, ARES Emergency Coordinator for Kaufman County Texas, Volunteer Examiner and Technical Specialist in the North Texas section.

Richard has also served as RACES assistant radio officer for the city of Mesquite, Tx. and among numerous other duties Including club president for the HAM Association of Mesquite Texas.

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