Episode 35 RF Podcast Live Show Notes
00:00 Promo: Ohio Linux Fest (http://www.ohiolinux.org)
00:25 Theme music
01:20 Intro: This is the unedited audio version of our first live video episode The video appears to be lost to history but the audio remains
03:15 Live show: This is our first live show and it's a little rough, primarily an equipment test.
05:25 Feedback:
- George, N0JRJ, likes the podcast and the idea of the live show. He listens while commuting and talks about his frustrations with the attitudes of "old timers" toward new hams.
- Barry, K4RUE, a recently licensed ham, enjoys the show and the music.
- Mike, KF7AME, just found the podcast and is listening to the old episodes. He appreciates comments on previous shows about how difficult it may be for new hams to afford new equipment.
- Bob, K4BB, just discovered the podcasts and music, and enjoys them, though he's not too sure about all of the music.
- Google alert: Russ Wenner of The Techie Geek podcast mentions us in episode 40. Check it out at https://web.archive.org/web/20130805083259/http://thetechiegeek.com/
- Robert, WA4HRK, sends thanks for a recent episode.
Thank you everyone for the feedback. Find us at: http://rfpodcast.info or Email us at kb5jbv@gmail.com
19:20 Topic: Everyone assumes everyone else has the same equipment or can afford such equipment. There are lots of ways to get equipment, and it takes time to accumulate a station. Building wire antennas is a great way to learn and is inexpensive.
22:42 Amazon: Please make your Amazon purchases through the Amazon link on http//:rfpodcast.info as we get a small portion of that transaction. It doesn't cost you anything extra and is another way to support the podcasts. Thanks.
24:56 Station ID: This is KB5JBV…
25:30 Topic: Elmering… but Richard seems to have lost his train of thought.
26:50 Topic: Twitter and other social networks.
28:00 Topic: Bill, KA9WKA, distracts Richard with comments in the chat room. (Sorry - Ed.)
30:20 Topic: The rude amateur radio operator. Is Elmering a lost art?
Anyone else see this sort of thing?
33:15 Topic: Field Day.
36:00 Topic: Richard is intending to attend more hamfests in the east Texas, south Oklahoma, west Louisiana area and looks forward to talking with the podcast listeners and maybe recording a few of those conversations for the podcasts.
38:30 Topic: Hurricane season.
42:20 Other folks joining in the chat room. Check out Chris' (N7ICE) website http://73s.org,
44:30 Keyboard balls. 🙂
45:04 A tour of Richard's studio. Hope you're not prone to motion sickness.
50:45 Check out Hacker Public Radio at http://hackerpublicradio.org/
53:20 Rambling a bit.
55:30 Star Trek memorabilia.
59:20 Back to hamfests. Richard has yet to attend Dayton. But there is HamCom (Recently Closed Permanently)
1:01:30 W1AW bulletins: AMTOR and ASCII to be replaced by PSK31 and MFSK16. RTTY to remain.
fldigi is a great program for digital modes. It's available for Linux AND Windows. Download at http://www.w1hkj.com/
1:04:40 Also check out the NUE-PSK standalone modem: http://www.nue-psk.com/
Thanks, Craig, KB3SBI.
1:05:25 Richard reminisces about the Commodore 64 computer that he used as a portable packet terminal.
1:08:20 Wrap up. Thanks to KA9WKA, N7ICE, KB3SBI, and all the anonymous ustreamers for showing up in the chat room.
1:10:35 Conclusion:
Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At www.rfpodcast.info
Glossary - See Glossary for terms used on the show.
Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV: Website: www.rfpodcast.info Email: kb5jbv@gmail.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV FaceBook: www.facebook.com/groups/resonantfrequency/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/kb5jbv MeWE: mewe.com/i/richardbailey31 Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/resonant-frequency-podcast Discord: https://discord.com/channels/758866379104845856/758866379104845860 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Richard_KB5JBV
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