RF Podcast EP 37 Beware Rude Hams

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RF Podcast EP 37 Beware Rude Hams

Episode 37 Show Notes

rude ham

00:00 Song: "Making Me Nervous" by Brad Sucks from the album "I Don't Know What I'm Doing"
http://www.magnatune.com/artists/albums/bradsucks-dontknow/ All of the songs
in this episode are from this album.

01:20 Intro: Warning: Songs may contain offensive or explicit language. Richard has screened
the songs for the show, but use discretion when playing the album among more
sensitive listeners.

03:13 Feedback:

  • Noel, WB0VGI, offers to discuss space weather. He operates the site http://space.augsburg.edu/
  • John, KD0FLF, enjoys the show, operates aeronautical mobile, and is happy with his FT-857 and Pac-12 portable antenna.
  • Lance, K7LDS, says his club has encouraged him to return to ham radio and upgrade his license. He enjoys the show and appreciates the reinforcement of basic information. Lance also successfully completed his mobile HF radio installation.
  • Derrick also appreciates the show and the variety of topics.
  • Lance, K7LDS, suggests that mobile installation techniques might be a good topic for a future show. He'd also like more complete show notes.

17:37 Donations:

Mike of Syracuse, UT and Kirk of San Gabriel, CA made donations before the last
episode. Thanks to Mike and Kirk and apologies for the late mentions.

22:11 Live Show: Richard asks for feedback about what sort of live show participation listeners
would prefer. One option is talkshoe, but he would like to know what you would
like to use.

24:26 Song: "Time To Take Out The Trash" by Brad Sucks.

27:12 Rant: Rude hams. Are we living in the age of the rude amateur radio operator?

42:11 Song: "Bad Attraction" by Brad Sucks.

45:20 Topic: Rapid chargers and wall warts.
Rapid chargers are convenient, but may reduce longevity of the battery.
Wall warts are slower, but, in theory, should allow for longer battery life.

1:02:00 Song: "Overreacting" by Brad Sucks.

1:05:30 Conclusion: Visit Magnatune (http://www.magnatune.com) for more great music.
Contact info.

1:07:32 Song: "Work Out Fine" by Brad Sucks.

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

Read More About Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast At www.rfpodcast.info
Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV:
Website:    www.rfpodcast.info
Email:         kb5jbv@gmail.com
Youtube:    https://www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV
FaceBook:  www.facebook.com/groups/resonantfrequency/
Twitter:      www.twitter.com/kb5jbv
MeWE:       mewe.com/i/richardbailey31
Tumblr      https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/resonant-frequency-podcast
Discord:     https://discord.com/channels/758866379104845856/758866379104845860

About the Author

Richard KB5JBV has been an Amateur radio operator since 1988. He has held positions with the America Radio Relay League including but not limited to Assistant Section Manager, Official Observer, Official Relay Station, Official Emergency Station, ARES Emergency Coordinator for Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast was created to help get information on amateur radio out to the new ham and the ham that wants to find out more about different aspects of the hobby they are thinking about getting into. So sit back have a drink and enjoy.

Richard KB5JBV has been an Amateur radio operator since 1988. He held positions with the America Radio Relay League including but not limited to Assistant Section Manager, Official Observer, Official Relay Station, Official Emergency Station, ARES Emergency Coordinator for Kaufman County Texas, Volunteer Examiner and Technical Specialist in the North Texas section.

Richard has also served as RACES assistant radio officer for the city of Mesquite, Tx. and among numerous other duties Including club president for the HAM Association of Mesquite Texas.

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