Anger over the way I was treated by a person that presumed to fill my shoes.
Richard goes humble
Rude guest don't understand they live in a house I helped build
Cupcakes and drinking
Start your own Damned Show!!!
Still having trouble with the UV md380
User Database
Strangely Enough
The epic journey of the usb adapters via Amazon
Resonant Frequency will return
I'm starting to feel like the Garth Brooks of Amateur Radio
I have decided to become my own club
More, More, More
Elmer Elmer Elmer
HAM Radio is not a hobby it's a lifestyle
and don't forget all Amateur radio Operators are Brothers
Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV: Website: www.rfpodcast.info Email: kb5jbv@gmail.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV FaceBook: www.facebook.com/groups/resonantfrequency/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/kb5jbv MeWE: mewe.com/i/richardbailey31 Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/resonant-frequency-podcast Discord: https://discord.com/channels/758866379104845856/758866379104845860 Reddit:
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