RRA EP 41 I Made A Mistake

- Opening Theme
- Greetings
- Minions
- Legion of Followers
- Patreons
- and anybody else
- Sorry about the lateness of the Episode
- Been really busy
- Welcome Darius to the team
- Bio to Follow
- We have hit 100,000 visitors to the website. Woo Hoo!
- About to get kicked off AMAZON
- Money grubbing Bitches!
- We have Paypal for one time Donations
- We have Patreon for reoccurring memberships
- Perks to come
- All at the website
- Super super friendly Reddit
- Banned from the Amateur Radio Reddit
- Posted a video to help the new folks
- Video on Youtube
- I have 2 Strikes
- I have a plan
- Make my own Amateur Radio Reddit with Elmers and no JERKS!
- First meeting of the Radio Club
- One Meeting of A.R.E.S.
- Sadly cracking down on the team
- Offered a Repeater
- Thanks Dave W5DLP
- Need a site
- Need Heliax
- and an Engineer
- Richard ain't the one
- I have been wrong (Earth Shattering I know)
- The older Days
- Vintage Call Sign
- Richard is old! (Licensed in the last century)
- Surrounded by Elmers
- Every HAM I have met is my Elmer
- Some Elmers taught me what not to do by example
- I really do like Gordon West WB6NOA
- Learning the answers to the Test
- Ron Jackson N5OJT
- You ain't doin it
- Licensed since 1995 or later your falling down on the Frikin' job
- too good to help new guys out
- Division of the HAM's
- Don't want to share with new guys
- You need to help the new guys because somebody helped you
- Go troll the newsgroups
- Your selfish and don't want to give back to the community
- There are people talking about at the club meetings because you won't help the new guys
- Get your butt in gear and help the new guys
- Your making a mistake not capturing that resource
- Why am I doing your job?
- If you don't have at least one guy hanging around asking questions you are falling down on the job and you are a horrible amateur radio operator
- New HAM's aggressively go find your Elmers
- Studying to the test is not working
- Go hunt down some Elmers
- I am Elmering in person and over the internet
- Elmering new Hams in other states via the internet
- A lot of the new breed of ham are worthless as Elmers
- Elmering a new operator in Oregon
- Elmering a new operator in South Carolina
- Just this week Elmering a new operator in Dallas 30 miles away
- We've started a new club to Elmer the new operators in Kaufman County Texas
- We don't make the mistake of ignoring this resource
- You need Elmers
- If the other Hams don't embrace you find other Hams
- If these guys make the mistake of ignoring you its because they are LAZY
- Use the resources available to you
- The Internet
- Videos
- Do some research because you need to know about Ham Radio
- Hit the books kids
- If nobody will Elmer you CONTACT me I will do my best to help you.
- No such thing as a perfectly tuned antenna
- DFing / Transmitter hunting is a good skill to learn
- Delta Loop laying on its side = Skyloop
- Diddle Stick 😉
- Don't make the mistake of wasting you time on those do nothin hams that are falling down on the job
- See it, Do it, Teach it
- I am extremely busy but I have time for the New Hams
- Pimpin Linux in the Ham shack
- Russ K5TUX is a Ham Radio God
- I am sick and tired of the of the new guys not getting what they need from their fellow Ham radio Operators
- Clueless Extras
- Don't make the mistake of not getting on the air anyway you can but don't make the mistake of stopping there
- New Techs go out and conquer the world
- If they don't' want to talk to you, you really don't need them anyway
- Spread the Gospel of Amateur Radio
- If you have been licensed a week you know more than the operator that got their license yesterday
Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV
Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE
Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV: Website: www.rfpodcast.info Email: kb5jbv@gmail.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV FaceBook: www.facebook.com/groups/resonantfrequency/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/kb5jbv MeWE: mewe.com/i/richardbailey31 Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/resonant-frequency-podcast Discord: https://discord.com/channels/758866379104845856/758866379104845860 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Richard_KB5JBV
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