About Us

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Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast was created to help get information on Amateur Radio out to the new ham and the ham that wants to find out about different aspects of the hobby they are thinking about trying out. We will be bringing guests on different aspects of ham radio. So sit back have a drink and enjoy. Richard KB5JBV has been an Amateur Radio operator since 1988.

Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV:
Website:    www.rfpodcast.info
Email:         kb5jbv@gmail.com
Youtube:    https://www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV
FaceBook:  www.facebook.com/groups/resonantfrequency/
Twitter:      www.twitter.com/kb5jbv
MeWE:       mewe.com/i/richardbailey31
Tumblr      https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/resonant-frequency-podcast
Discord:     https://discord.com/channels/758866379104845856/758866379104845860