My fondest Christmas wishes to my Minions, Loyal Followers, fellow Radio Operators, Club Members and ARES Members.
Sorry I have been out of pocket for the last month. As most of you know my wife had a stroke 18 months ago and we finally were out of money so I hat take a job at the Amazon fulfillment center in Forney Texas. Sadly the 40 hour shifts I signed up for were increased to 60 hour shifts the week I started. My old ass is tired. Now that the Christmas delivery season is ramping down I should be more available. What does this mean?
I will have more time to get more content on the Resonant Frequency website and get much needed work done on the website for my regular listeners and much need work done on the Patreon areas. I will also be more accessible via Discord, Facebook and all the other social media out lets. This disruption may affect the relaunch of new episodes of Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast and slow down the release of more video content. Please be patient. The slowdown was beyond my control and right after I spend Christmas with the kiddo’s I will be back on it.
Where the club is concerned I haven't heard much about what is going on there. The shifts at Amazon are night time so I have been asleep in the evenings. I do know we will be having an in person meeting in the month of January and we will be accepting club due for the coming. The meeting in February will have election of club officers and I will appoint the election committee at the January meeting. We will get that information posted on Facebook and the website asap.
Then we come to ARES. I would like to hear from all our current ARES members concerning the direction we need to go this coming year. We have a couple of members that are current working getting a Winlink network established, We are working with ARES teams in the surrounding counties and Skywarn school is just around the corner. 2022 is going to be a great year. We have already accomplished a lot in the last 6 months. Keep your eyes on Facebook or the website at
Well that is pretty much it for now. I hope everybody has a fantastic and trouble free Christmas and New Years.
Richard KB5JBV