RRA EP 33 Definitive Job Description

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Read the job description if you are a real Amateur Radio Operator.

This episode we dive into the job description. Part 97. Along the way we revisit Rod and Flo, The window lickers of Reddit and the Freeloaders all around us in the Amateur Radio Service

Job Description
  • Odessey of the nevermind
  • More personal Crap
  • Check out the contact information on the website www.rfpodcast.info
  • Still working on Videos
  • Leave comments on the website
  • Hit me up for a Discord invite
  • Wondering about listener opinion for music on Resonant Frequency
  • Title 47 CFR Part 97
  • Not "Just a hobby"
  • Read the job description Butt Head
  • Study to the test
  • Elmer, Elmer, Elmer
  • Material Journey
  • Job Description
  • Bombings, Hurricanes, Severe Storms
  • The Window Lickers of Reddit
  • Tragic Nets
  • Goodbye free license
  • Rod and Flo
  • Cliff W5PIX the internet superstar
  • Hobby, Hobby, Hobby my Butt
  • Amateur Radio Service not Hobby
  • oops off topic
  • Lets dig in
  • Amateur Radio Service
  • Non-Commercial
  • Emergency Communications
  • Rod and Flo can't hang
  • Advancing the Radio Art, not hobby
  • Contesting is training for something else
  • everything we do in Amateur Radio is training for something else
  • Rules for advancing skills in both the communication and technical phases of the Amateur radio ART
  • Don't Splatter or Overattentive
  • Harmonics are bad
  • Richards Story Time
  • Guess what! The FCC can shut us down
  • Expanding the Amateur Radio Service
  • Tube Rigs Rock
  • Thank you Texas Instruments
  • The guys that don't just talk and don't get involved are just FREELOADERS!
  • Can you Solder?
  • Richard's Story Time
  • You are an Ambassador for Amateur Radio
  • We are outside of POLITICS
  • Transcend the garbage
  • Baofeng Radios caused the Capitol Riot
  • Want a hobby? Build a drone.
  • No more respect for each other
  • We respect you here
  • Respect your fellow Amateur radio Operators
  • Read the Damned Job description
  • Come visit us on Discord
  • Going back to the House of Blues Woo Hoo!

Glossary of terms used on the show www.rfpodcast.info

Find more Videos on DMR and Amateur Radio at our Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV

Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV:
Website:    www.rfpodcast.info
Email:         kb5jbv@gmail.com
Youtube:    https://www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV
FaceBook:  www.facebook.com/groups/resonantfrequency/
Twitter:      www.twitter.com/kb5jbv
MeWE:       mewe.com/i/richardbailey31
Tumblr      https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/resonant-frequency-podcast
Discord:     https://discord.com/channels/758866379104845856/758866379104845860

About the Author

Richard KB5JBV has been an Amateur radio operator since 1988. He has held positions with the America Radio Relay League including but not limited to Assistant Section Manager, Official Observer, Official Relay Station, Official Emergency Station, ARES Emergency Coordinator for Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast was created to help get information on amateur radio out to the new ham and the ham that wants to find out more about different aspects of the hobby they are thinking about getting into. So sit back have a drink and enjoy.

Richard KB5JBV has been an Amateur radio operator since 1988. He held positions with the America Radio Relay League including but not limited to Assistant Section Manager, Official Observer, Official Relay Station, Official Emergency Station, ARES Emergency Coordinator for Kaufman County Texas, Volunteer Examiner and Technical Specialist in the North Texas section.

Richard has also served as RACES assistant radio officer for the city of Mesquite, Tx. and among numerous other duties Including club president for the HAM Association of Mesquite Texas.

1 comment

  1. Michael D Bolton - Reply

    Well, by the definition above, I’m a freeloader. While I agree with the argument of knowing more about Amateur Radio than just how to key a microphone and talk, “getting involved” may or may not be possible or desirable for some of us. Personally, I had my fill of “Amateur Radio public service” with what I saw while in RACES, some of that time as a Radio Officer. To be sure, I love to teach, as evidenced by the information that I share. And, I’d rather than a lot of newer hams be more technically adept. But, respectfully, don’t down someone because they may not have ascended to your expectations. And yes, I tell myself this constantly; I’m no saint.

    Currently, I’m taking care of two cancer survivors, one of which is also currently suffering a broken clavicle. So, my aspirations (running feedline, building and putting up antennas, tweaking my limited station to the best of its ability) are, if not on hold, certainly coming along at a snail’s pace. But, family comes first.

    Amateur Radio may or may not save the world. I would say Not, because from what I’ve been reading there are and have been official agencies who’ve shied away from hams being included in contingency communications (in some cases actually having kicked hams out of any previous involvement). The aforementioned agencies’ communications gear has evolved to be more robust so as to not need Amateur Radio as backup. And this is just the electronics; some law-enforcement types would much rather not have hams anywhere near an incident…sometimes upon threat of arrest and/or jail.

    So…this is my current position; it may be considered the proverbial Other Side Of The Coin. There is room for every type of ham. Perhaps this could be a topic of a future RRA or RF Podcast.

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