RRA EP 40 Faux Elmers

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RRA EP 40 Faux Elmers

Faux Elmers
  • Welcome To our Show
  • Ares is coming together
  • Club is coming together
  • The vanishing wasteland
  • Patreon
    • Tim KO4IVN Very First Patreon
  • Paypal Link on the website
  • Click an Amazon Ad on the website
  • Articles and Audio on the website
  • Slow Rebrand of the website
  • Club update
    • Meeting Place
      • Pastor Michael
  • Be part of the party
  • We will put Articles and Audio from the listeners on the website
  • Lament for the Sansa Clip
  • Be a part of the LEGEND
  • No Repeater for ARES
  • Bad Google Calendar
  • Going on a tour of the local clubs soon
    • Elmering is falling down
    • Enter the Faux Elmers
      • They sound knowledgeable but are not
      • They gather new guys around to stroke there ego
      • Ed KE5OA
      • Scotty was the anti Ed
      • Full of made up information
      • Ed and Scotty go to war
      • NTS and the Cult of Scotty
    • Enter the Big 700
      • Ain't no little 700
      • Yet another fake Elmer
      • Clueless
    • Erroneous Information
    • The new folks are dying for information
    • Scan and pass Tech test
    • Electronically naive
    • If you are a Fake Elmer
    • New operators want to be the best Ham the can
    • Need some hate mail so I can return the favor
  • Find real Elmers
  • Search diligently
  • Fake Elmers net to be ostracized
  • Most Fake Elmers cant even build a Dipole Antenna
  • Tim KD6FWD
    • Used to build copper pipe j-poles so new guys could get on the air
    • King of transmitter hunts
  • Fake Elmers sit on there ass at home in stead of helping
  • Find knowledgeable elmers
  • Why do their houses have no antennas
  • Got a Ham hiding in the Apartment Complex here
  • Lead the way and Elmer
  • Stay away from Fake Elmers
  • Fake Elmer are the same guys that tell unbelievable stories to everyone else seeking attention
  • Aggressive Search out Elmers
  • Vet your Elmers
  • When you here them giving bad information to others tell them it is Bullshit
  • Wrap up
  • Send me a Dollar
  • Preach the Gospel of Amateur Radio

Visit our Youtube channel for videos on Amateur Radio www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV

Read more about Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast at WWW.RFPODCAST.INFO

Check out our Glossary of Amateur / Ham Radio Terms used on the shows HERE

Contact Info For Richard KB5JBV:
Website:    www.rfpodcast.info
Email:         kb5jbv@gmail.com
Youtube:    https://www.youtube.com/c/RichardBaileyKB5JBV
FaceBook:  www.facebook.com/groups/resonantfrequency/
Twitter:      www.twitter.com/kb5jbv
MeWE:       mewe.com/i/richardbailey31
Tumblr      https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/resonant-frequency-podcast
Discord:     https://discord.com/channels/758866379104845856/758866379104845860

About the Author

Richard KB5JBV has been an Amateur radio operator since 1988. He has held positions with the America Radio Relay League including but not limited to Assistant Section Manager, Official Observer, Official Relay Station, Official Emergency Station, ARES Emergency Coordinator for Resonant Frequency: The Amateur Radio Podcast was created to help get information on amateur radio out to the new ham and the ham that wants to find out more about different aspects of the hobby they are thinking about getting into. So sit back have a drink and enjoy.

Richard KB5JBV has been an Amateur radio operator since 1988. He held positions with the America Radio Relay League including but not limited to Assistant Section Manager, Official Observer, Official Relay Station, Official Emergency Station, ARES Emergency Coordinator for Kaufman County Texas, Volunteer Examiner and Technical Specialist in the North Texas section.

Richard has also served as RACES assistant radio officer for the city of Mesquite, Tx. and among numerous other duties Including club president for the HAM Association of Mesquite Texas.

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