Contributed by Michael D. Bolton N5RLR

First published in the May, 1988 issue of the German magazine "Beam," this design proffered by a Professor Popovic has been adopted by DARES (Dutch Amateur Radio Emergency Service) as a go-to antenna for emcomm. Looking at the schematic drawing, it appears to be a variation on the venerable quarter wave element. As a dipole, it can be oriented vertically or horizontally. The antenna element(s) can be fabricated from 3mm or 3/32" brazing rod.

Converting the Metric measurements shown, we get:
10mm = 3/8"
83mm = 3-9/32"
407mm = 16-2/64"
Each element functions as 1/4-wave on 2m, 5/8-wave on 70cm. The 83mm section may function as 1/8-wave on 70cm. (The 83 and 407mm lengths combined, calculate to 145.558 MHz / 436.673 MHz; some trimming may be necessary to bring it into the US repeater sub bands.)
The angle of the upper 407mm is given as 147 degrees from horizontal, which can also be expressed as 33 degrees from vertical.

As shown in the closeup of the feed point, the element attachment and feed line connection is to a Euro-style barrier screw terminal strip (10mm pitch). These can be obtained from RadioShack, Mouser, DigiKey, and others.
Certainly this is an easily-constructed antenna that can be put together in little time and minimal expense, with materials perhaps readily at hand around the shack or garage. Try it! 🙂
(Image Credit: From http://www.pe1opm.nl/dares/dload/popovic%20antenne.pdf )