It’s Pride Month in North Texas. This is the time of year when I reminisce about all the friends and acquaintances I have had over the years that had alternate lifestyles to my own. They were all outstanding individuals and good friends even with the hurtles they had to surmount due to being born different than what was once the norm.
From my friend JR who was transitioning from male to female in the mid 1970’s to my current co-worker Wendell who I dance with at work from time to time. They have all been outstanding people and it has been an honor to know them.
Having said all of that we probably need to get down to business.
It is once again “PRIDE” month in north Texas and the rainbow is in the air. I have counted more than two dozen events in the area this month to celebrate the LGTBQIA2S+ community and it brings a smile to my face knowing that the oppression of the last century has ended and they can hold their heads up and celebrate their unique personalities and lifestyles.
However, as with so many things in the last few years “Pride” is starting to become weaponized like so many other things have. For about ten years we weren’t even to allowed to use the words “Queer” or “Gay”. It appears now that these words are acceptable again.
Today the city of Dallas, Texas unveiled a new city flag to go along side the existing flag. The difference being that the background on the new flag is Rainbow as opposed to the Red, White and Blue of the original flag. OK, I can go for that. People need symbols and It is not offensive unless you are a guy who’s manhood is threatened by such things or it is used to oppress others.
Then the weaponization kicks in. Here is a good example.
Today the Assistant Mayor Pro-tem of Dallas Omar Narvaez “Who is the first openly gay person to hold that office” made a few statements on the local news to try and convince the public that the LGTBQIA2S+ are all passive and not threatening as has been the case in the past. This is true and it has been known for years that the community as a whole is psychologically more likely to be more passive in nature. Aggressive and dangerous people for the most part don’t exists in the LGTBQIA2S+ community. FOR THE MOST PART.
There are sadly some folks in the community that are aggressive and even dangerous though most of the community are not but Mr. Narvaez seems not to know this. Today Mr. Narvaez stated in an interview on our local CBS affiliates news today that:
“Those in the community don’t go around shooting up schools and killing children. Drag Queens are also good for kids.”
Well he apparently doesn’t keep up with the news
“While the shooter’s gender identity is unclear, police told CNN that Hale was assigned female at birth and used “male pronouns” on social media.”
He also made the statement that “ there is no evidence that Drag Queens are a danger to children”
He missed this one as well
“ Pennsylvania Drag Queen Who Performed For Children Charged With 25 Counts Of Child Pornography”
– The Crime Victims Center, Inc.
Sadly, these types of reports are suppressed by the news when a member of the LGTBQIA2S+ are involved for the purposes of Political Correctness and Inclusion.
This is just a sample. It is not the community as a whole but just a few sick individuals. Just like any other group.
Now these comments were in response to some new laws passed recently here in Texas concerning chemical castration, gender affirming surgery and drag shows for children. I am sure we will address these issues in the future but for now we will just point out this bit of propaganda espoused by Mr. Narvaez.
As for me I say show your PRIDE everyday.
Go out show your pride. Be the individual you were born to be. The only person you need approval from is yourself. Revel in the freedom my friend JR really didn’t have back in the 1970’s.
Happy Pride Month!
© 2023, Richard Bailey. All rights reserved.