“A Hurricane is proof of global warming” horse shit.
Everything that happens weather related these days is proof of global warming.
Since we’re talking about hurricanes, what about Andrew, Katrina, Rita and all the hurricane’s that have happened since this global warming crap started?
For those of you that haven’t spent 30 seconds learning how weather works here is a little bit about hurricanes.
Hurricane Season starts the 1st of June and ends the 30th of November. It is not uncommon to have more than 26 named storms in a season. That is why some storms are named with a Greek letter. That’s just in the Atlantic and we still have more oceans. Didn’t they teach you that while studying for that liberal arts degree?
The vast majority of Americans in their 20’s and 30’s really don’t remember the weather we had prior to 2000. It was pretty much the same as it is now, just chunkier.
A good example is this past summer here in Texas. We had 60+ days with temperatures over 100 degrees. In the 1970’s and 1980’s it wasn’t unusual to have that many every summer. Was global warming worse then than now?
Al Gore warned us over a decade ago that by now Mt. Kilimanjaro would be ice free by now. The glaciers are alive and well. How’s it going with those carbon credits Al?
Look, I get it. Save the planet. I’m sure the dinosaurs had cars that had really sucky gas mileage. And look what happened to them.
So here is what we need to do. First we need to spread a few square miles of black solar panels out on light colored desserts so instead of having the dessert reflecting most of the sunlight back into space the black panels can heat up to over a hundred degrees and release the heat into the atmosphere when the sun goes down.
Next we also need to erect a bunch of poles with propellers on top so we can disrupt the natural wind patterns. You know, the wind that circulates the air to help keep the hot places cooler and the cold places warmer.
I think it is a shame that neither produces enough electricity so the people in California can charge their cars. I don’t have that problem with my old van with the 3.8L gas engine.
But let’s go even further. We can shut down U.S. oil extraction and buy oil from countries that can use it against us if they don’t like what we are doing on the world stage. Looking like we might have a plan forming here.
You need to WOKE your dumb ass up.
Everytime a dog farts they emit a greenhouse gas. The world has cycled between steamy swamp to ice ball more than once. The only thing that remains constant is the idiocy that we need to suffer over fairy tales like climate change (Global Warming). It changes and will continue to change. Global Warming is inexorable and inevitable and global cooling will follow as it always has for billions of years.
I hope your brain didn’t explode.
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