Well here we are. It’s just been a few days since the 2022 midterm elections and it appears that Republicans have won both houses of congress. Thank god that here in Texas we were spared the damage that Frances O’Rourke (AKA Beto) could have unleashed on our great state but we will save that for…
Tag: Political
Global warming 2022
“A Hurricane is proof of global warming” horse shit. Everything that happens weather related these days is proof of global warming. Since we’re talking about hurricanes, what about Andrew, Katrina, Rita and all the hurricane’s that have happened since this global warming crap started? For those of you that haven’t spent 30 seconds learning how…
Dis-arming the public again.
Ok, I’ve been putting some thought to this. We live in a world where guns and gun violence is glorified in all manner of media and young children are never exposed to responsible gun owners unless their family members own and use firearms in a responsible fashion. So I propose the we lobby Congress to…